Thursday, May 3, 2007

My Broken Heart

I started out this blog with such enthusiasm and after three entries I kind of fizzled out. I have a lot in my head and heart to say but I find that I am still in deep mourning for my little Mousie. In my paid daytime job I am a grief counselor. However, I find that I have no tender words of consolation from me to me for my broken heart. Someone asked me why I was still sad and I answered "because Mousie is dead." They then asked if I would be said forever because she would be dead forever. I am glad that person is NOT a grief counselor because they would fail miserably in that position!

My husband thinks I am simply missing "a dog" and that "another dog" could fill my empty spot. And although the last thing in the world he wants is "another dog" he is willing to let this happen so that I can be "happy" again. The thing is that I am not simply missing "a dog." I am specifically missing my Mousie. I tell the people in my support groups and the ones I counsel in my office that "grief takes as long as it takes." I guess everyone will just have to wait for a while for me to be "happy."


Miz Minka said...

MM, what a delight to discover your blog (through Dearest Dragonfly's). I too have experienced such a loss, so I understand only too well that you can't just "get another dog" to fill that empty spot in your heart.

Thank you for sharing Mousie's story. You've inspired me to write a tribute to my own Very Best Dog Ever, Cody. It's been not quite two years since I lost him to cancer. I've had many dogs over the years, but Cody was truly special.

People who say "It's just an animal, what are you so upset about," just don't understand God's gift to us in these precious creatures -- how much joy they add to our lives, and how much we can learn from them about unconditional love. And how much it hurts when they have to leave us.

I'm praying for your broken heart.

DearestDragonfly said...

Precious Mousie Mom: I absolutely 'second' Miz Minka's heartfilled words.

Even this morning, while walking Lucy, I looked at her and thought about protecting her from anything and everything in this world that could possibly harm her...i.e., take her away from me.

The fear of being without her is not a place where I want to live - I want to simply enjoy! But missing her desperately when she's gone...well, that's a yearning that would hopefully find a God-filled end when I pass to the other side. What can I say -- I loved 'What Dreams May Come'.

I believe 'God is Love' covers more than we think.

Mousie and Christy's Mommy said...

Dear Miz Minka and Dearest Dragonfly,

Thank you so much for your loving words and your tender thoughts. I,too, loved "What Dreams May Come!" In fact I think I will go rent the movie this weekend! I know that broken hearts do heal but this one is going to take a long time! Peace and love to you both.