Wednesday, October 31, 2007

How Sad!

How very sad! That's all I could think of to say after wandering around blogsphere reading and commenting whereever I could...and then clicking on my own blog and discovering that I had written....nothing...since August 19th. Gosh, that was almost a lifetime ago!

There actually was a slight reason why I stopped. I wrote a little blog about my grandson, Jacob's, baptism in which I was blessed to have been a part of, and when I went to add all my great pics...utter failure! So after about 10 tries I just gave up and obviously have not come around since!

Part of THAT reason is because I have taken up quilting again. After a VERY long hiatus from quilting during the time I was in school training to be a Deacon, I have finally hit the quilt room again with gusto! I'm not totally sure but I think I am currently working on about 4 quilts at the same time!

So, this is just an announcement that I think I am back! I'm writing this at work (it's Halloween and we were told to dress in costume...mine is of an unemployed person so how can I work...only kidding...I'm really dressed as a Cub's Fan which means I have a big "L" on my forehead for "Loser!") but when I get home this evening I am going to try that picture insert stuff again and write about what has been happening since August 19th!

Stay tuned!!


DearestDragonfly said...

Yay!!! You're back!

I empathize with you on the picture thing. Blogger just doesn't make it very easy. But -- you inserted some great ones: Jacob is a cutey!!!

I wish I could blog every day, like Miz Minka. But...that takes energy, a precious commodity. Isn't it fun to find a new post on someone's blog when you didn't expect it. I find I enjoy it all the more for that reason.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my site, it is about the CresceNet, I hope you enjoy. The address is . A hug.

Anonymous said...

Hi MM!

I'm a quilter, too, and a long-time friend of Fr C. - since we were kids in fact - and am a far away friend of DD's ever since they married, long ago.

May I suggest you locate a copy of a wonderful book called The Patchwork Pilgrimage by Jill Liddell. It's a feast for the eyes and tho it has few patterns, it will certainly fuel the imagination on how to combine quilting with your vocation (can it be called that for Deacons??).

Don't be a stranger to your blog - it's now almost Leap Year day, 2008!

Cheers! Barb :D