Saturday, August 18, 2007

Reasons for Not Blogging

Here it is August 18th and it has been over a month since I have even had time to sit at this computer and think about blogging! In wondering how so much time could have gone by I realized that I really could come up with some "legitimate" reasons for being away so long...and here they are...

1. I was on vacation for two weeks and I did NOT take my computer with me. While I was able to check my email on my trusty Treo and even answer, that was about as close to "doing something" that I wanted to get. Not that vacation was not "doing something!"

2. I have been in mourning. First it was saying goodbye to my beloved rector and his ever so enchanting wife. Then, when I returned from vacation I learned that my dear friend C's beloved chocoalte lab had died. The death was not unexpected but heartbreaking nonetheless. I had truly fallen in love with this beautiful 4-legged member of her family and so losing her was sad...and of course it brought back memories of my little Mousie.

3. I have been sick. B got sick while we were on vacation and continued to be sick for two weeks after we got back. I got sick the week after we returned home and remained so for a whole week. I even took a day off of work! This is very unusual for me since my motto usually is not to waste a good sick day on being sick! However, I was down and out and although I did go back to work the next day coming home and going to bed was about all I could muster.

4. I have been tired. My body can't seem to keep up with my life! I wish someone would have told me when I was a bit younger to save some of the energy I expended! I had no idea that we only have so much energy for our lifetime and I seem to have used up all of mine in the first 60 years! What ever happened to "Geritol" for "tired blood?"

5. I have been very busy (which probably accounts for #4 above!). Vacations are nice but then you have to come back to the office and it is all STILL there waiting for you!! By the time I could get "up to speed" from vacation I found I was behind on stuff that had to be done since I got back from vacation! It is endless. Guess that's why they call it work!!

Now that I have written down my excuses they look pretty puny! I have lots to blog about...not the least of which is my grandson's Baptism which I was priveleged to take part of and of course there is that vacation! But for now, the house in beckoning to me and so with dust rag and "Endust" in hand I will go answer its call can back here later!

1 comment:

The Introvert said...

Can I just copy your excuses and post them on my blog? They look a lot like the reasons I have for not blogging!!!!

And, they are all legitimate!!

Glad you are back in blogland.