Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Why Am I Doing This?

I love to write. Mostly I write in my mind...in the shower! I write letters to people I am angry with...and I tell them why I am angry. I write letters to people I love...and I tell them why I love them. I write letters to people I care about...and I tell them why I care. Then, when I turn off the shower all of my "words" go down the drain with the water.

So no one ever gets to read what I write. They never know that I am angry or that I love them or that I truly care about them. So, perhaps I am doing this because there may be a chance that one of them will come across this blog and read what I write. And maybe one of them will know that I am writing to or about them. Or, maybe someone I am not writing to or about will come across this blog and think perhaps I did write to them...and it will make their day brighter.

So, I'm not really, really sure why I am doing this except I have a lot of words in me and no one to listen and not enough time to actually write them on pieces of paper, find an envelope and a stamp (assuming I found the piece of paper in the first place) and then getting the stamped envelope in a mailbox so I can get it to its recipient.

The idea to actually start a blog happened on April 16, 2007 when my little yorkie, Mousie, died. I'm going to write more about her later but I had so much sadness in me and no place to let it go or to "post" it.

So, if you just "happened" upon this blog, don't expect too much...but don't be surprised if you get more than you expected either! I even surprise myself sometimes!

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